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홍보영상 게시판글 내용보기
전북탐방기 2편 - Mark Wiens
작성자 jbcia 등록일 16-07-27 09:55 조회 956

We took a day trip from Jeonju to a city called Gunsan, and had some of the most exotic seafood that I’ve ever had in my life.

00:53 Jungdong Hotteok (중동 호떡) - 900 Won ($0.77) and railroad track walked through - The drive from Jeonju to Gunsan took about an hour and as soon as we arrived we started off with a small snack of a Korean hotteok, and then we continued onto the old railroad track. There’s not really much to do on the railroad truck, but just walk around for a little while.

2:29 Champon at Boksongru (복성루) Restaurant - One of the greatest indicators of good food is long lines of people, and even in a small little town like Gunsan, on a weekday and earlier than the normal lunch rush, Boksongru (복성루) already had a line and was packed. It took about 30 minutes or so, and we were let into the restaurant, which is famous throughout South Korea for serving a dish called champon (짬뽕), which is noodles and in this case, stacked with a heap of seafood. Each bowl of champon cost 8,000 Won ($6.86) and it was one of the greatest bowls of seafood noodles I’ve ever had. I would highly recommend it. It was well worth the wait.

7:09 Gunsan Attractions - Gunsan attracts quite a few Korean tourists, and so there are plenty of museums to walk around. We visited the old town of Gunsan and walked around some of the museum, and the old Japanese houses and temples. 9:56 Angela Flour Based Food - Within Gunsan town, we navigated our way to a small restaurant within a local market called Angela Flour Based Food. The restaurant is famous for selling a variety of different Korean street food snacks including japchae, tteokbokki and a fish soup. The japchae was a little sweet for me, but the mixture of ingredients was pretty good. Lee Sung Dang (이성당) Bakery - Another one of the most famous attractions in Gunsan is the Lee Sung Dang (이성당) Bakery, which attracts just about everyone who ever visits Gunsan. We picked up a couple baked goods and they were pretty good.

12:35 Exotic Korean Seafood Meal at Saemangeum Fish Market - Korea is literally a seafood paradise for anyone who loves seafood, and they take freshness to another level in South Korea. At the Saemangeum Fish Market in Gunsan, they have tanks full of fish and you can choose the different types of seafood you like, and they will prepare them right then and there, right from the tank. You then can either take away your seafood, or go upstairs to one of the restaurants on the upstairs level where you can eat. There were quite a few different types of exotic Korean seafoods that I ate for the first time including a sea pineapple, something called a urechis unicinctus (spoon worm, yes, also known as a penis fish). It was honestly one of the most memorable and exoti seafood meals I’ve ever eaten.

Visiting Gunsan on Day 8 in South Korea was an amazing trip, and both the champon seafood noodles and the exotic Korean seafood meal were incredible.

Disclaimer: My trip to Jeonju was sponsored by the Jeonbuk Centre for International Affairs.
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