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홍보영상 게시판글 내용보기
전북탐방기 8편 - Mark Wiens
작성자 jbcia 등록일 16-08-22 08:58 조회 959

On this day in Jeolla province, I was a guest at the Jeonju Academy of Music, where I learned Korean traditional music, and we then went to Jeonju’s Nambu Market for lunch. Hyundai-ok (현대옥) is one of the most legendary restaurants in the market for gukbap (bean sprout soup).

1:50 Jeonju Academy of Music - I had no idea what I was about to do when we showed up at the Jeonju Academy of Music. I was invited to participate in a traditional Pansori music class. Soon I found myself drumming and chanting with the class, and the instructor even gave me some personal solo training in front of the entire class on my own. Wow, it was a pretty interesting experience!

8:24 Jeonju Nambu Market - The first restaurant we went to was Jo Jeom-rye (조점례남문피순대) Restaurant, a place that’s well known throughout Korea for serving gukbap soup with soondae, which is blood sausage. We also got a side of extra blood sausage. I was amazed at how moist and flavorful the soondae was, without being irony or bloody tasting, it was absolutely delicious. I especially enjoyed the plate of soondae that was on it’s own, and then eating it wrapped in pieces of lettuce and extra spices.

For our next lunch we headed next door to Hyundai-ok (현대옥), one of the most recognized food stalls in Jeonju that serves gukbap, rice and bean sprout soup, which is the iconic dish of Jeonju. It was delicious, definitely the best version of the dish I had while I was in Jeonju.

Disclaimer: My trip to Jeonju was sponsored by the Jeonbuk Centre for International Affairs.
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