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JEONBUK Exploring 11 - Mark Wiens
Writer 관리자 Date 21-11-17 13:53 Hit 394



On 11th day of our trip to Jeolla province, we took a day trip to Jeongeup and visited the old house of Gim Dong-su, had a fantastic bowl of pork ribs stew, and a healthy Korean herbal tea.

00:24 Gim Dong-su House - This is a historical preserved home of Gim Dong-su who was a wealthy man. You can walk around his house and see how the elite formerly lived in Korea. Also, next door there is the Gwon Beon Culture and Art Academy, and we saw some traditional dance and enjoyed some traditional Korean tea.

5:11 Paepijeong (배비정) Restaurant - For lunch we drove over to a city called Jeongeup and went to a restaurant to eat pork ribs stew. The restaurant was old Korean style with the wonderful barrel can tables. It took a few minutes to prepare our food because the entire hot pot of pork ribs stew was made from scratch as we ordered it. It was well worth it, the meat was good and the mixture of all the ingredients was delicious and home tasting. Price - 10,000 Won ($8.68) per person.

9:31 Mu Du Rang - 7,000 Won ($6.08) per cup - Ssanghwa cha (쌍화차) - Jeongeup is famous throughout South Korea for its healthy herbal teas and drinks made from herbs. So we stopped at a cafe and had a delicious healthy tea that was made with twenty different ingredients.

12:53 Naejangsan National Park - 3,000 Won ($2.60) - Naejangsan National Park is a national park in South Korea that’s famous for its maple trees. We walked around for a while and visited the temple. Again, the nature in Korea is beautiful, and the maple trees, in full green and yellow colors, were beautiful.

14:45 Sangchu Twigim (상추튀김) Restaurant - For dinner we drove back to Jeonju and we went to a Korean snacks food restaurant called Sangchu Twigim (상추튀김). We ordered some of the most popular Korean snacks including gimbap, twigim, and some fish soups. The food was pretty good, but honestly I’m not a huge fan of Tteokbokki. Total price - 17,000 Won ($14.76) for everything.

Disclaimer: My trip to Jeonju was sponsored by the Jeonbuk Centre for International Affairs,

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