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Wanju Gosan Recreational Forest

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-263-8680
Address 55312 전북 완주군 고산면 고산휴양림로 246
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Recreational Park serving as a four season family vacation spot with therapeutic walks and leasure facilities

Gosan Recreational Park is a four season family vacation spot where families can enjoy therapeutic walks and other leisure activities. They boast about their beautiful sceneries. It is equipped with convenience and sports facilities so that it does not bore any family looking for a getaway. During the summer, the park also provides the chance to play within the valley so that visitors can cool down during the hot summer. The Gosan Cultural Park is composed of the Mugunghwa Auto Camping site, the Mugunghwa themed botanical garden, the Mugunghwa Exhibition and the Mangyung river aquatic biology experience science museum for guests to enjoy.